I have one more presentation this evening at the Universidad Nacional , which is going to be about index languages and thesauri. There is a bit more to it, but basically librarians use them to control what terms can be used to index documents and increase the quality of searches. I am still not too sure what I am going to talk about, but have a bunch of slides and so am going to ask at the beginning what people want to hear about. I created one for Stael’s institute library over a few months—in English, mind ya—and they will be able to use it to describe
There has been some interesting activity on fellow blogs, and I love keeping up with them. I prefer this new way of keeping a social website like Myspace or Facebook, since the owner has to put more intellectual effort into it and actually come up with something interesting to say to the world. I especially admire those who find things in regular life to write about and post, where there aren’t such simply identifiable word-generating events. I experienced some withdrawal
Craaazy that in just over a week from today I depart for the States—all of the preparation, moving, hesitation about whether I wanted to go—and the whole thing is now coming to a close. A great time it has been, and I am glad that I’ve been able to share some of it with the readers out there. One of the best things about it is that I don’t have to start from scratch when telling all about what I did while in Paraguay! Look forward to seeing everyone and glad to hear of so many upcoming changes for several folks and one that I'm thinkin’ of especially—best of luck to everyone and we’ll have to celebrate promptly.
You look so business-like ! These posts have been fascinating for us and I think you should keep it up stateside. I think what you have accomplished is awesome. Ole'
I can't get hold of you on the phone! See you in about a week oK? Have a safe trip home, we've been missing you up here. Fall is in the air.
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