As many of you may know, they're having the qualifying matches for World Cup 2010. Paraguay is, like most

Latin American countries, a futbol-crazed nation which puts everything behind their team when there is a chance to compete. On Sunday they were playing the Brazilians. With a result of 2-0 Paraguay, the dailies here had reason to proclaim that that
Paraguay se hace "dueño y señor" con su victoria. A sunny day, as you can see, just fabulous for a futbol match! In the red photo Guille, his friend Diego, and I are underneath a huge red banner which they pull over the fans when Paraguay scores. Paraguay the owner and master of Brazil? Well, at least on Sunday.

Also, I recently made acquaintance with a man who wants to donate to some institution the library of his grandfather, Viriato Diáz-Peréz. Diáz-Peréz moved to Paraguay in about 1906 and was soon after appointed Director of the National Archive. He became friends with such luminaries as President Ayala and Eloy Fariña Nuñez, and Josephina Plá, a famous poet, wrote a biography about his life.

I believe that UC-Davis owns many of his personal papers, but there remain about 5000 books in his home. His grandson now wants to donate them, but is justifiable worried about donating them to a Paraguayan institution. Unfortunately, many collections have been destroyed over the years, as valuable documents or books are pilfered. As they always say about theft, it is suspected that employees are the most culpable for the crime. It was really nice to see the collection, and I hope that we can find a secure location here in Paraguay which will be able to keep the books (and perhaps papers) safe. A vexing problem: no one wants to send the cultural patrimony of Paraguay abroad, but there are only a few locations here in Paraguay that are secure enough to convince a donor that their stuff will be safe.
Lately, I have been doing similar work: meeting people, discussing what various institutions have on their wish list,

and assessing the general state of information access and provision here in Asunción. I am going to try and raise some money and get some projects underway, or at least on someone's calendar, as well as get a group together to discuss the state of things. I guess that it's called a conference! Mostly, I am poking my nose around and trying to make somewhat of a scene. But, aren't libraries (and librarians) supposed to be quiet?
Nic, we just returned from Hawaii. Kelci's team won the whole chili pepper! Looks like you are staying busy. Hope so. Why the sunglasses? The others don't have them. Fashion statement?
NIc, this posting was from dad, of course, the computer is a little behind.
the game looks fun, awesome to beat brazil.
that Diaz-Perez sounds pretty interesting. good luck helping with his donation, it would be nice to keep it in the country. we take so much for granted here in the USA.
keep poking around and meeting people who can make things happen or at least will try. if nothing else, enjoy the fact that you can set your own agenda and advance projects that you believe in. not always the case in a regular job.
and get a haircut bro ;)
What do you mean get a haircut? The pictures really give away that much, eh? Glad to hear that Kelci kicked so much butt there in Hawaii, we'll be able to go to her professional games soon enough. Since you guys are going to be in the same place for a couple of days, we should chat. See you all soon.
Not what you think about the sunglasses -- there's no smoking at the game! I always roll with my 30-proof and sunglasses. Sunny day, right?
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